GLP-1 Agonists: A Pharmacist’s Perspective on Natural Alternatives for Weight Loss

Everyone wants fast weight loss. In our society, the quest for rapid weight loss has become yet another thing we are impatient about. It’s not new news that people will turn to the latest fad diet or clinic serving up the newest drug therapy to have faster weight loss. It might take us years to […]

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Hi! Dr. Cori here.  I'm so excited you decided to join me on the blog.  I love to write posts that inspire you to be more intentional about your health, mindset, and lifestyle.  I'll also help you master what you need to know about supplementation, inflammation, blood sugar, and gut health all while still enjoying your life and not wasting your time being preoccupied with what you can and can't eat.  No more sacrificing your health, time for true health and happiness.

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health, mindset & lifestyle

Dr. Cori share the one word that instantly relieves stress

We’ve discussed on the last few Wellness Wednesdays the impact of our lifestyle on our blood sugar. And one way that impact may manifest is type 2 diabetes. People have even coined type 2 diabetes a lifestyle disease more often referring to food intake than some of the lifestyle characteristics I have been describing. Traditionally diabetes education always centered around food, even though there were six other topics within the curriculum, every patient visit focused on food.

What is Type 2 Diabetes Really?

Wellness Wednesday

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Wellness Wednesday: Where Do I Start?

So we’ve talked the last couple of weeks about how our lifestyle is impacting our health. And many of you are like yes Dr. Cori, I get it, I’m on board, how the heck do I start? I mean that’s the hard part right. Starting… Listen in for my 3 suggestions on getting started.

Habits Are Hard… How Do I Start?

Wellness Wednesday

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Wellness Wednesday

Adrenaline or epinephrine is your short-term, acute stress hormone.  It’s designed to help you get out of danger quickly.  It is the hormone that promotes the fight or flight response, that results in your blood supply being diverted to your periphery, (i.e.) arms, legs.  In order for your body to have the energy to fully execute on the fight or flight system, you need fuel or energy, and the most readily available source of energy in the body is glucose.

Why It’s Important to Suppress the Stress

Wellness Wednesday

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Dr. Cori, Integrative Nutrition Health Consultant for women, shares what people aren't saying about spinach and what you need to know

There’s a new study talking about using spinach as a dietary supplement to cut hunger and increase fullness. When I first saw the headline, “could spinach help with weight loss”, I thought um, yes, duh, and why the heck is that news.

The deal is they discovered a spinach-derived supplement called Appethyl that they suggest is responsible for increasing satiety, or helping you feel full longer, and reducing cravings for salt.

The Stuff People Don’t Tell You About Spinach


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Dr. Cori, health consultant for career moms, shares how to protect your dreams from people's opinions

I learned the phrase “protect your punch bowl” from success coach, Darren Hardy. It immediately resonated with me and I wanted to share it with you. It’s Mardi Gras season here in New Orleans, so there will be many parties and many punch bowls filled with probably more liquors than the creator will admit to. But once you get that perfectly flavored Mardi Gras punch, the last thing you want is for someone to say, “I think it needs more pineapple juice!” And now it’s ruined….

Protect Your Punch Bowl


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Yoga Sutras: The Discipline of Sadhana

This past week, in my yoga class, we talked about the discipline of sadhana, the first Yoga Sutra in the second chapter of the Yoga Sutras text written by Sage Patanjali. The Yoga Sutras or in English, Verses on Yoga, are a scripture of 196 sutras (verses) that represent the Philosophy of Yoga.

The Discipline of Sadhana


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Dr. Cori teaches the importance of being intentional about the life you want and being gracious

One of my friends recently celebrated her birthday. She’s in her first year of her medicine residency, her intern year which is unbelievably busy, so she had to celebrate her birthday on call. When she told me she was on call for her birthday, I responded with “that’s a bummer…” She quickly responded with, “No, I’m good. I worked really hard to get to this point, so I don’t think it’s a bad way to celebrate my birthday at all!”

I’d Rather Celebrate My Birthday at Work


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Dr. Cori teaches the importance of having a community of support for working moms

A few weeks ago I was on a flight with a couple expecting their first child. She was visibly nauseous and clearly not feeling well at all. Her husband gently stroked her back while she lay her head on the tray table. They sat in the row in front of me while behind me, there was an active 1-year-old, crying and kicking my chair. He was definitely having a hard time as most kids do on long flights. And then there’s me in middle, thinking what an interesting dynamic while also wishing that I hadn’t forgotten my headphones.

What I Learned About Motherhood on an Airplane


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Dr. Cori, health coach for working moms, explains how yoga can change your gene expression

It’s the second post in my “Yoga Can” Blog Series! This series is all about the stuff you never knew yoga could do. And this week we’re talking about your genetics. Yes, yoga can change your gene expression! I think it’s important to share this kind of information about yoga to really broaden your knowledge and empower you to change your health. You have no idea how much control you can have over your health and your family history and how it will impact you in the future.

Yoga Can Change Your Gene Expression


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