
How to Be a Health Coach When You Still Have Weight to Lose

A common mistake is thinking you can’t help someone as a health coach when you still have weight to lose. And I can personally relate to that. Since moving to Atlanta, I’ve struggled to manage my weight and navigate my lifestyle here. We often think that our weight is just based on what we eat, […]

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I'm dR. Cori!

I'm a pharmacist and health expert in diabetes and gut health. I use food and plant based supplements to help women balance blood sugar and restore gut health.

I teach women to stop being so preoccupied with diets so they can actually learn what a healthy and happy lifestyle truly is!



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A common mistake is thinking you can’t help someone as a health coach when you still have weight to lose. And I can personally relate to that. Since moving to Atlanta, I’ve struggled to manage my weight and navigate my lifestyle here. We often think that our weight is just based on what we eat, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Don’t get me wrong, food does play a part, but the part that we as women often forget about, is the stress that comes with prioritizing everything and everyone else, but ourselves.

When I first became a health coach, it felt easy, I was already doing most of the things I coached people on and didn’t struggle with my weight. Notice I said weight, not body image, but that’s a topic for another day.

Moving to Atlanta completely shattered the routines I had in place and eliminated my support system. The first year, I honestly ignored it. I was focused on my new job and kinda hoped the problem would go away. I soon learned that wasn’t going to happen, and really just made the situation worse. While my confidence was wavering a bit, I reminded myself that I’m still a coach and I know how to help people get the results they want regardless of whether or not I felt like I was helping myself.

So many people wrongly believe they must have the perfect body or an ideal weight before they can guide others. This misconception can hold potential coaches back, preventing them from sharing their valuable knowledge and experiences because of their own personal journey.

Remember It’s your journey and your own struggles that help you to be the kind of coach that you are and be the inspiration someone needs to push through their personal challenges. Authenticity and empathy matter more than perfection. Your personal weight loss journey will make you more relatable and authentic.

Being a health coach isn’t about showcasing a flawless physique or creating some unrealistic and unattainable image of health for the everyday person we are showing up for; it’s about connecting with people on a human level. Your experiences with weight loss, fitness, health challenges, and lifestyle changes provide you with relatable insights that a perfectly fit coach might lack because they have never had to personally navigate those challenges. You might be surprised at how many clients often find comfort and motivation in knowing their coach understands their struggles firsthand. This authenticity can foster trust and build stronger coach-client relationships.

And for you, this means recognizing the value of your unique journey. By embracing your current state and being transparent about your ongoing journey, you create a safe and supportive environment for your clients. They’ll see you as a partner who is also working towards better health, making them more likely to connect with you and follow your guidance.

It may feel hard or even scary to put yourself out there. You may feel unsure of how to share your story in a helpful way without being too vulnerable or sounding uncertain. I’m so glad stumbled upon this blog post because I’m going to share some strategies with you to help you overcome whatever you think might be holding you back.

Follow these 6 tips to leverage your journey effectively even when you still have weight to lose.

Share Your Story

        Like I just shared with you, be open about your journey, including your successes, setbacks, and the lessons you’ve learned along the way. Sharing your story will inspire and motivate clients, showing them that progress is possible, even if the path isn’t always smooth.

        Focus on Empathy

          Use your experiences to empathize with your clients’ struggles. Acknowledge the difficulties they face and offer practical advice that has helped you overcome similar obstacles. Your empathy will make clients feel understood and supported.

          Highlight Your Knowledge

          While your journey is valuable, ensure your clients understand that you possess the necessary knowledge and skills to guide them. Showcase your certifications, training, and the success stories of clients you’ve helped, reinforcing your expertise.

          Set Realistic Goals

          Help clients set achievable goals and celebrate small victories along the way. Your understanding of the process can assist in creating realistic and sustainable plans that promote long-term success rather than quick fixes that will surely fade when life gets hard.

          Practice What You Preach

          Demonstrate your commitment to health by living the principles you teach. Engage in regular physical activity, make nutritious food choices, and prioritize self-care. Your actions will reinforce your credibility and inspire clients to follow your lead.

          Continuously Educate Yourself

          Stay updated on the latest health and wellness trends, research, and techniques. By continuously improving your knowledge, you can offer clients the best possible advice and stay ahead in the competitive field of health coaching.

          By embracing your journey and using it to connect with clients, you establish a foundation of trust and authenticity. Clients are more likely to follow your guidance when they see you as a relatable and knowledgeable coach who understands their challenges. Your unique perspective can provide them with hope and motivation, knowing that they, too, can achieve their health goals with dedication and perseverance.

          Being a health coach while still on your own weight loss journey is not a disadvantage, but can actually be a powerful asset. Your authenticity, empathy, and relatability are qualities that can deeply resonate with clients. By sharing your story, focusing on empathy, highlighting your knowledge, setting realistic goals, practicing what you preach, and continuously educating yourself, you will become a successful and inspiring health coach.

          Perfection is never the goal—authenticity and dedication are what truly make a difference.

          I would love to partner with you on your journey as a health coach. If you are looking to get certified as a health coach or continue to grow in the field of nutrition, I invite you to join Nutritious Life Studio. The founder, Keri Glassman, is an internationally recognized dietitian and will soon become your biggest advocate. She is personally with you alongside hundreds of other coaches in a supportive community where we are continuously learning and bringing new strategies to the wellness industry. And there’s room for you too. Click here to learn more.

          Talk soon,

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          I'm Dr. Cori, Your  coach + New bff!

          I'm a pharmacist, Life Coach, and Master Certified Health Coach.  I provide health and lifestyle coaching for busy women who struggle with chronic health conditions.  I teach women how to reduce their need for prescription medications, how to use supplements to naturally support their body instead, all while creating a simple and practical health routine.

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          Dr. Cori Cooper is a pharmacist, busy mom, and a Master Certified Health Coach specializing in diabetes and gut health.

          DR. CORI COOPER

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