San Miguel Mexico

Friends with Benefits:  How Relationships Boost Your Health and Glucose Levels

I’m fresh off my annual girls’ trip to San Miguel Mexico! It is literally one of the best things I do for my health all year. We stay in this beautiful home that includes a house manager who buys fresh food from the nearby market and makes our breakfast and lunch daily. Before we head […]

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Hi! Dr. Cori here.  I'm so excited you decided to join me on the blog.  I love to write posts that inspire you to be more intentional about your health, mindset, and lifestyle.  I'll also help you master what you need to know about supplementation, inflammation, blood sugar, and gut health all while still enjoying your life and not wasting your time being preoccupied with what you can and can't eat.  No more sacrificing your health, time for true health and happiness.

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health, mindset & lifestyle

6 Ways to Strengthen Immunity, better immunity against covid, what to take for better immunity

There is much fear surrounding COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus. So I wanted to write this post to help you identify easy ways to strengthen your immunity in addition to all the hand washing precautions. Especially given you might not be able to find soap to wash your hands with! Let alone a bottle of hand sanitizer!

Six Ways To Strengthen Immunity


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Wellness Wednesday

Adrenaline or epinephrine is your short-term, acute stress hormone.  It’s designed to help you get out of danger quickly.  It is the hormone that promotes the fight or flight response, that results in your blood supply being diverted to your periphery, (i.e.) arms, legs.  In order for your body to have the energy to fully execute on the fight or flight system, you need fuel or energy, and the most readily available source of energy in the body is glucose.

Why It’s Important to Suppress the Stress

Wellness Wednesday

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Diminishing who you are and what you have to share with the world out of fear or judgment has an impact on both your physical and mental health. The physical effects are rarely discussed even though there is a definite correlation that results from increases in adrenaline, blood sugar, and insulin. Listen in to Dr. Cori to learn more….

It’s Always Better To Take Up Space

Wellness Wednesday

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Dr Cori discusses the problem with vulnerability

Vulnerability sucks. There’s probably a better way to say that, but that’s how it can feel sometimes. For example, every time I invite someone in, be it on my blog, my Weekly Wine Chats, in my yoga classes, on social media, or share my business, there’s some vulnerability in that. I’m sure you have similar examples of vulnerability at work, in your relationships, or maybe even in building a business. The problem with vulnerability though, is “you have to feel it, to heal it.” Let me say that again…

The Problem with Vulnerability


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Dr. Cori, health consultant for career women, talks love and marriage

Hello December! Since December is my wedding anniversary month, I thought I would start the month by talking about love. This year my husband and I will have been married 7 years and together for many years long before that. While marriage, in my opinion, is one of the most beautiful expressions of love, the other being motherhood, it is not without difficulty. I think we get so caught up in the fairytale of love sometimes, we forget that it takes work to make love work.

Love Is As Love Does: How To Take Action In Your Marriage


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Dr Cori shares 5 questions to ask yourself when making difficult decisions

“Your most powerful tool is your own example”. – John Wooden

Have you ever wanted something that didn’t seem “practical”? I say that in quotes because honestly, how do you define “practical”? It probably depends on who you ask, so the only definition of “practical” that matters is yours…But sometimes being “practical”, can actually sound a little crazy….

When Is Practical Crazy? 5 Questions To Ask Yourself


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Check out the 40 things I've Learned Over 40 years

Yes honey, it’s my birthday! Cue the party music! This year has flown by and I can’t believe I’m 40 already! Eek! When I was younger I would wish for 40 because I just knew I’d be retired by then. Ha! So much for that. The whole retirement thing may not have worked out, but there are a few things I’ve learned along the way that I want to share with you. And I’m sharing some special news too, but you’ll have to wait until the end… ;)

40 Things I’ve Learned in 40 Years


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Women supporting women to create a legacy

I know some amazing women. Amazing women who didn’t have it all figured out, but pursued their dreams anyway. Everyday women I know personally who didn’t have the time, but knew they couldn’t let their dreams die.  Let me share just a few stories with you.

I have a mother who realized her dreams of modeling and becoming a dentist were second to her dreams of being an amazing mother. She wanted to ensure she was available to my brother and me while my father traveled for work and held demanding positions. I’m so glad she chose motherhood.

Standing On The Shoulders….


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You don’t have to do it all. As a matter of fact you shouldn’t be doing it all. But as busy, corporate moms we think can handle it. After all, we’re handling million dollar accounts so surely we can still be the powerhouse at work, and a rockstar mom, doting wife, and committed volunteer all while looking fabulous doing it. We pride ourselves on this kinda stuff right?  “Look at me, look at how busy I am”. Somehow we equate busyness with importance or status; the busier we are, the more important or the higher the status. We use our email inbox to justify our value, but it’s really a holding place for all the things we want to respond to, but don’t actually have the time to respond to.

What Your Email Inbox Says About You…


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