Why I Created the Stop Sacrificing Your Health Community

It wasn’t too long ago that I was pregnant with my first child. It actually turned out to be children, twin girls. We were shocked and excited, to say the least; there were no twins in either of our families. While things started off well, they unfortunately took a turn. Long story short, I ended […]

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Hi! Dr. Cori here.  I'm so excited you decided to join me on the blog.  I love to write posts that inspire you to be more intentional about your health, mindset, and lifestyle.  I'll also help you master what you need to know about supplementation, inflammation, blood sugar, and gut health all while still enjoying your life and not wasting your time being preoccupied with what you can and can't eat.  No more sacrificing your health, time for true health and happiness.

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health, mindset & lifestyle

Meditation with Dr. Cori Cooper

Free meditation with Dr. Cori sponsored by The Pontchartrain of The Links, Incorporated. This meditation is an offering to support global communities as we seek to heal collectively.  Join us for 15 minutes of silent meditation and simple breathing techniques to immediately offer calm and stress relief.

A Collective Awakening Meditation

Wellness Wednesday

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Join The Collaborative with Dr. Cooper

It’s another episode of Wellness Wednesday! And Dr. Cori is explaining the impact yoga can have on your life both on and off the mat. It is often misunderstood that yoga is simply another form of exercise that emphasizes stretching when in fact, that is only 1/8 of the yoga experience. So listen in to this episode on how you might be underestimating the impact yoga can have on your life.

You Underestimate Yoga

Wellness Wednesday

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Wellness Wednesday

Adrenaline or epinephrine is your short-term, acute stress hormone.  It’s designed to help you get out of danger quickly.  It is the hormone that promotes the fight or flight response, that results in your blood supply being diverted to your periphery, (i.e.) arms, legs.  In order for your body to have the energy to fully execute on the fight or flight system, you need fuel or energy, and the most readily available source of energy in the body is glucose.

Why It’s Important to Suppress the Stress

Wellness Wednesday

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Dr. Cori, health consultant for women, shares how to choose a word for the new year

Have you chosen your word for the year yet? Or maybe I should ask, do you plan to choose a word for the year? Personally, I like choosing a word in addition to my goals because the word is usually tied to a feeling, whereas our goals may not be, or let me say the feeling associated with our goals may be harder to identify. I would argue then that you picked the wrong goal if it’s not tied to a feeling, but we’ll save that discussion for another day. Let’s stick to your word for the year.

I Chose Surrender…


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Dr. Cori, health coach for working moms, explains how yoga can change your gene expression

It’s the second post in my “Yoga Can” Blog Series! This series is all about the stuff you never knew yoga could do. And this week we’re talking about your genetics. Yes, yoga can change your gene expression! I think it’s important to share this kind of information about yoga to really broaden your knowledge and empower you to change your health. You have no idea how much control you can have over your health and your family history and how it will impact you in the future.

Yoga Can Change Your Gene Expression


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Dr. Cori's online group coaching program helps you create daily healthy habits to help working moms thrive

This may sound kind of weird, but sometimes I wish I had a job that had a set schedule. Before you clutch your pearls, let me explain a bit. When you work a set schedule you have to be somewhere at a certain time and you leave at a certain time. You might even have to eat lunch at a certain time (now that might get on my nerves, it seems weird to be told when to eat…). Now full disclosure, I haven’t had a job with a set schedule since my residency and even then I always worked past my set hours, but having a set schedule can create discipline and increase productivity. Because I don’t often work set hours due to my travel schedule, work can bleed into more hours than what’s necessary.

Create A Daily Schedule for Well-Being


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Dr. Cori shares 3 steps to becoming the woman you want to be

Do you sometimes feel like you still don’t know what or who you want to be when you grow up? It can be hard to admit that at your age (insert any number you like here), you’re still struggling with who you are as a woman. Ten years ago, you thought for sure you would have it all figured by now, right? The years passed by and you’re still not any closer to living the life you want.

3 Steps To Becoming The Woman You Want To Be


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International Day of Yoga Dr. Cori Fear or Faith

Happy International Day of Yoga! It also happens to be Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year! Last week I taught my first yoga class! I was so worried about the class, but I survived and I’m officially a RYT-200. As excited as I am about yoga, I almost didn’t teach….

Choose Fear or Faith?


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Dr Cori shares 5 questions to ask yourself when making difficult decisions

“Your most powerful tool is your own example”. – John Wooden

Have you ever wanted something that didn’t seem “practical”? I say that in quotes because honestly, how do you define “practical”? It probably depends on who you ask, so the only definition of “practical” that matters is yours…But sometimes being “practical”, can actually sound a little crazy….

When Is Practical Crazy? 5 Questions To Ask Yourself


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