Why I Created the Stop Sacrificing Your Health Community

It wasn’t too long ago that I was pregnant with my first child. It actually turned out to be children, twin girls. We were shocked and excited, to say the least; there were no twins in either of our families. While things started off well, they unfortunately took a turn. Long story short, I ended […]

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Hi! Dr. Cori here.  I'm so excited you decided to join me on the blog.  I love to write posts that inspire you to be more intentional about your health, mindset, and lifestyle.  I'll also help you master what you need to know about supplementation, inflammation, blood sugar, and gut health all while still enjoying your life and not wasting your time being preoccupied with what you can and can't eat.  No more sacrificing your health, time for true health and happiness.

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health, mindset & lifestyle

Wellness Wednesday

Adrenaline or epinephrine is your short-term, acute stress hormone.  It’s designed to help you get out of danger quickly.  It is the hormone that promotes the fight or flight response, that results in your blood supply being diverted to your periphery, (i.e.) arms, legs.  In order for your body to have the energy to fully execute on the fight or flight system, you need fuel or energy, and the most readily available source of energy in the body is glucose.

Why It’s Important to Suppress the Stress

Wellness Wednesday

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3 Simple Tricks for Creating New Habits

Habits are a powerful thing. But if you know like I do, creating habits can be incredibly hard and sometimes they even feel impossible. Habits, however, are the reason why you aren’t losing weight, why you constantly feel like your schedule is out of control, why you can’t seem to get ahead financially, and why you aren’t doing the work that you love.

3 Simple Ways to Commit To New Habits


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Dr. Cori, health coach for working moms, teaches how to stay true to your goals by saying no to the stuff you don't really want to do.

I recently had a request to do a training for a group of pharmacists and I had to say no. It was a great opportunity and something I love to do, but I didn’t have the bandwidth to take it on. What’s interesting though is I knew that as soon as the request came in, but I thought about it for a while before saying no, trying to rationalize how I could do it. And when I said no, I felt like I had to offer an explanation as to why I was saying no.

No Is A Complete Sentence


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Learn how yoga can improve your fertility with Dr. Cori, health coach for working moms

Welcome to my “Yoga Can…” Series! I’ll be writing a series of blog posts to expose you to all the benefits of yoga. There’s so much yoga can do to support a healthy lifestyle, particularly for working moms. This week we’ll talk about fertility. You may not realize how the stress of being a working mom can affect your fertility, especially if you aren’t trying to get pregnant again.

Yoga Can Support Fertility


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Learn how a yoga teacher training can change your life

Cue the party music, I graduated! I’m sure you wondering what I could have possibly been in school for, so let me not leave you in suspense any longer….I just completed my 200-hour yoga teacher training. And trust me it was a family affair! There was studying multiple books on yoga history and philosophy, yoga practice, entire weekends at the studio, and practice teaching. My husband and my son’s teacher have truly been troopers helping me with the little one over these last 9 months.

How Doing A Yoga Teacher Training Changed My Life


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Dr. Cori shares how to make the journey to your goals feel like you've already achieved them

Have you ever heard that saying, “The journey should feel like the destination.”?  It’s this idea that the steps you take along the way to your goals should feel create the same feelings as achieving the goal itself.  Because it’s a “feeling “we’re chasing, not so much a “goal”.

The Journey Should Feel Like The Destination


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Get more hours in your day with Dr. Cori

Moms are always talking about how busy they are, “not enough hours in the day”. No time to cook dinner, so let me pick something up on the way home. No time for exercise because I go to work early and get home late. No time for myself because I have to work, go to the grocery store, do homework with the kids, and cook dinner. There are just not enough hours in the day.

There’s Just Not Enough Hours In The Day


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Wellness Wednesday

People often ask me how I get it all done. To be honest, sometimes I used to surprise myself. It’s not a really surprise anymore though because I have a system in place for how I make decisions and how I execute on those decisions. Now don’t get me wrong, it took a minute to get there. I tried planner after planner, app after app, and book after book. I kept buying more tools and online programs to help me “figure it all out”…

Getting It All Done Without The Overwhelm


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Accidentally created a life of overwhelm? Take the first step in getting rid of that to do list!

I have a confession to make.  I put out too many chairs. And I’m willing to bet you have too. Do you often feel overwhelmed or anxious about your to do list, wondering when you will have time to yourself?  If you are saying hell yes right now, you have put out too many chairs too. 

I Put Out Too Many Chairs


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Overwhelmed and struggling to find time?