It wasn’t too long ago that I was pregnant with my first child. It actually turned out to be children, twin girls. We were shocked and excited, to say the least; there were no twins in either of our families. While things started off well, they unfortunately took a turn. Long story short, I ended […]
Hi! Dr. Cori here. I'm so excited you decided to join me on the blog. I love to write posts that inspire you to be more intentional about your health, mindset, and lifestyle. I'll also help you master what you need to know about supplementation, inflammation, blood sugar, and gut health all while still enjoying your life and not wasting your time being preoccupied with what you can and can't eat. No more sacrificing your health, time for true health and happiness.
So we’ve talked the last couple of weeks about how our lifestyle is impacting our health. And many of you are like yes Dr. Cori, I get it, I’m on board, how the heck do I start? I mean that’s the hard part right. Starting… Listen in for my 3 suggestions on getting started.
It kind of bugs me when people refer to yoga as exercise. It’s so much more than that. In fact asana, the actual postures people refer to as “exercise”, is only one of the 8 limbs of yoga. That means there are 7 other ways to practice yoga. If you study the root of the word yoga, it means to yoke or to unite.
People are always talking about the importance of a support system or an accountability buddy; even I posted a Motivation Monday about it on social media, but to be honest, I used to not believe in the need for an accountability buddy and all these Facebook groups trying to get people to connect. I no longer feel that way and I want to share with you why just in case you could scream if you see another Facebook group.
I was recently having a conversation or actually inserted myself into a conversation while having my nails done at the spa about agave. One woman made the comment that she didn’t use agave because it’s so bad for you, and the person doing her nails agreed, saying, “oh no, agave is so bad for you”. Here is where I inserted myself into the conversation…
Habits are a powerful thing. But if you know like I do, creating habits can be incredibly hard and sometimes they even feel impossible. Habits, however, are the reason why you aren’t losing weight, why you constantly feel like your schedule is out of control, why you can’t seem to get ahead financially, and why you aren’t doing the work that you love.
Vulnerability sucks. There’s probably a better way to say that, but that’s how it can feel sometimes. For example, every time I invite someone in, be it on my blog, my Weekly Wine Chats, in my yoga classes, on social media, or share my business, there’s some vulnerability in that. I’m sure you have similar examples of vulnerability at work, in your relationships, or maybe even in building a business. The problem with vulnerability though, is “you have to feel it, to heal it.” Let me say that again…
I recently had a request to do a training for a group of pharmacists and I had to say no. It was a great opportunity and something I love to do, but I didn’t have the bandwidth to take it on. What’s interesting though is I knew that as soon as the request came in, but I thought about it for a while before saying no, trying to rationalize how I could do it. And when I said no, I felt like I had to offer an explanation as to why I was saying no.
One of my friends recently celebrated her birthday. She’s in her first year of her medicine residency, her intern year which is unbelievably busy, so she had to celebrate her birthday on call. When she told me she was on call for her birthday, I responded with “that’s a bummer…” She quickly responded with, “No, I’m good. I worked really hard to get to this point, so I don’t think it’s a bad way to celebrate my birthday at all!”
A few weeks ago I was on a flight with a couple expecting their first child. She was visibly nauseous and clearly not feeling well at all. Her husband gently stroked her back while she lay her head on the tray table. They sat in the row in front of me while behind me, there was an active 1-year-old, crying and kicking my chair. He was definitely having a hard time as most kids do on long flights. And then there’s me in middle, thinking what an interesting dynamic while also wishing that I hadn’t forgotten my headphones.
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