It wasn’t too long ago that I was pregnant with my first child. It actually turned out to be children, twin girls. We were shocked and excited, to say the least; there were no twins in either of our families. While things started off well, they unfortunately took a turn. Long story short, I ended […]
Hi! Dr. Cori here. I'm so excited you decided to join me on the blog. I love to write posts that inspire you to be more intentional about your health, mindset, and lifestyle. I'll also help you master what you need to know about supplementation, inflammation, blood sugar, and gut health all while still enjoying your life and not wasting your time being preoccupied with what you can and can't eat. No more sacrificing your health, time for true health and happiness.
There is much fear surrounding COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus. So I wanted to write this post to help you identify easy ways to strengthen your immunity in addition to all the hand washing precautions. Especially given you might not be able to find soap to wash your hands with! Let alone a bottle of hand sanitizer!
It’s another episode of Wellness Wednesday! And Dr. Cori is explaining the impact yoga can have on your life both on and off the mat. It is often misunderstood that yoga is simply another form of exercise that emphasizes stretching when in fact, that is only 1/8 of the yoga experience. So listen in to this episode on how you might be underestimating the impact yoga can have on your life.
We’ve discussed on the last few Wellness Wednesdays the impact of our lifestyle on our blood sugar. And one way that impact may manifest is type 2 diabetes. People have even coined type 2 diabetes a lifestyle disease more often referring to food intake than some of the lifestyle characteristics I have been describing. Traditionally diabetes education always centered around food, even though there were six other topics within the curriculum, every patient visit focused on food.
So we’ve talked the last couple of weeks about how our lifestyle is impacting our health. And many of you are like yes Dr. Cori, I get it, I’m on board, how the heck do I start? I mean that’s the hard part right. Starting… Listen in for my 3 suggestions on getting started.
It kind of bugs me when people refer to yoga as exercise. It’s so much more than that. In fact asana, the actual postures people refer to as “exercise”, is only one of the 8 limbs of yoga. That means there are 7 other ways to practice yoga. If you study the root of the word yoga, it means to yoke or to unite.
Adrenaline or epinephrine is your short-term, acute stress hormone. It’s designed to help you get out of danger quickly. It is the hormone that promotes the fight or flight response, that results in your blood supply being diverted to your periphery, (i.e.) arms, legs. In order for your body to have the energy to fully execute on the fight or flight system, you need fuel or energy, and the most readily available source of energy in the body is glucose.
Habits are a powerful thing. But if you know like I do, creating habits can be incredibly hard and sometimes they even feel impossible. Habits, however, are the reason why you aren’t losing weight, why you constantly feel like your schedule is out of control, why you can’t seem to get ahead financially, and why you aren’t doing the work that you love.
Have you chosen your word for the year yet? Or maybe I should ask, do you plan to choose a word for the year? Personally, I like choosing a word in addition to my goals because the word is usually tied to a feeling, whereas our goals may not be, or let me say the feeling associated with our goals may be harder to identify. I would argue then that you picked the wrong goal if it’s not tied to a feeling, but we’ll save that discussion for another day. Let’s stick to your word for the year.
I recently had a request to do a training for a group of pharmacists and I had to say no. It was a great opportunity and something I love to do, but I didn’t have the bandwidth to take it on. What’s interesting though is I knew that as soon as the request came in, but I thought about it for a while before saying no, trying to rationalize how I could do it. And when I said no, I felt like I had to offer an explanation as to why I was saying no.
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