
The Journey Should Feel Like The Destination

Have you ever heard that saying, “The journey should feel like the destination.”?  It’s this idea that the steps you take along the way to your goals should feel create the same feelings as achieving the goal itself.  Because it’s a “feeling “we’re chasing, not so much a “goal”.

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I'm dR. Cori!

I'm a pharmacist and health expert in diabetes and weight health. My mission is simple: cut through the noise, provide expert guidance, and help women take back control of their health.  I teach women how to optimize supplements and GLP-1 therapy as a part of a science backed health plan, so they're not just losing weight, but actually transforming their health for the long haul.



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Dr. Cori shares how to make the journey to your goals feel like you've already achieved them

Have you ever heard that saying, “The journey should feel like the destination.”?  It’s this idea that the steps you take along the way to your goals should feel create the same feelings as achieving the goal itself.  Because it’s a “feeling “we’re chasing, not so much a “goal”.

Take for example weight loss.  Sure you might be chasing a number on the scale, but what you ask people why or what happens once they get to that number, most people will start with telling you they’ll feel…For example, “I’ll feel beautiful and sexy again”, or “I’ll feel confident in my clothes”.


We chase the “feeling”, not the “goal”.  

For the last few weeks, my journey has not felt like the destination.  In fact, it has represented everything I teach about avoiding. I have spent the last several weeks in and out of doctor’s office, getting test after test only to be told, “you need surgery.”  At first they weren’t sure which surgery I would need, but it turned out to be the minor one so we’re thankful for that.  But needless to say, this part of my journey did highlight some inconsistencies for me.

Being in the position of seeing doctor after doctor, revealed to me that I had started to slack on my self-care.  I had gotten so busy doing, that I didn’t think about just being….


Isn’t it funny, how the teacher always teaches what they need to learn.  

Have you ever read the book The Passion Test?  It’s a book that teaches these 3 words…Be, Do, Have.  Who do you need to be, what do you need to do, to have what you want to have. Those 3 simple words serve as the foundation to discovering your life’s purpose.  Like I did recently, we get stuck in the monotony every day and just do, do, do.  We do what needs to be done at work, we do what needs to be done at home and for the kids. We’re like these little Energizer bunnies that just go, go, go, almost unconsciously.

Our body though, has a way of letting us know when we need to redirect the course along our journey.  That’s why I talk so much about self-care.  Because we can often push ourselves, with no limits, toward our “goals” in pursuit of just checking the box off our list of things we need to do.  By time we get to where we think we want to be, we don’t stay there because we never set up the right tools along the way.  It also doesn’t feel nearly as good.

You have to capture that feeling you’re chasing along the journey and Be, Do, Have, can help you get there. This message is similar to my Motivation Monday post too, “You are who you pretend to be.”


Who are you pretending to be?

If you don’t want to be a tried, stressed working mom, then be a mom who has time for herself and her family.  Stress is a form of pushing, when we push, we create an environment for anxiety and overwhelm.  Approach your day with ease instead.  And you may have to “pretend” for now, but the more you practice being the mom you want to be, doing the things you want to do, you will have what it is you seek.

I was able to recover my self-care routine, recapture the feelings of ease, joy, and strength and actually delay my surgery.  Yes, my surgery is still technically medically indicated, but by reconnecting with my self-care, I’m no longer in pain and have chosen to delay surgery with my physician’s support.


Be, Do, Have…



Talk soon,

Photo Credit:  Ashley Stephenson

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I'm Dr. Cori, Your  coach + New bff!

I'm a Pharmacist, Life Coach, and Master Certified Health Coach.  I help busy women navigate weight health with confidence.  I teach women how to optimize supplements and GLP-1 therapy as a part of a sustainable, science backed health plan, so they're not just losing weight, but actually transforming their health for the long haul. Whether it's through my Substack, private coaching, or community support, my mission is simple:  cut through the noise, provide expert guidance, and help women take back control of their health. 

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Dr. Cori Cooper is a pharmacist, busy mom, and a Master Certified Health Coach specializing in diabetes and GLP-1 optimization.


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