
Create A Daily Schedule for Well-Being

This may sound kind of weird, but sometimes I wish I had a job that had a set schedule. Before you clutch your pearls, let me explain a bit. When you work a set schedule you have to be somewhere at a certain time and you leave at a certain time. You might even have to eat lunch at a certain time (now that might get on my nerves, it seems weird to be told when to eat…). Now full disclosure, I haven’t had a job with a set schedule since my residency and even then I always worked past my set hours, but having a set schedule can create discipline and increase productivity. Because I don’t often work set hours due to my travel schedule, work can bleed into more hours than what’s necessary.

Create a daily schedule for wellbeing
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I'm dR. Cori!

I'm a pharmacist and health expert in diabetes and weight health. My mission is simple: cut through the noise, provide expert guidance, and help women take back control of their health.  I teach women how to optimize supplements and GLP-1 therapy as a part of a science backed health plan, so they're not just losing weight, but actually transforming their health for the long haul.



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Dr. Cori's online group coaching program helps you create daily healthy habits to help working moms thrive

This may sound kind of weird, but sometimes I wish I had a job that had a set schedule. Before you clutch your pearls, let me explain a bit. When you work a set schedule you have to be somewhere at a certain time and you leave at a certain time. You might even have to eat lunch at a certain time (now that might get on my nerves, it seems weird to be told when to eat…). Now full disclosure, I haven’t had a job with a set schedule since my residency and even then I always worked past my set hours, but having a set schedule can create discipline and increase productivity. Because I don’t often work set hours due to my travel schedule, work can bleed into more hours than what’s necessary.

When you don’t assign a time to an activity, that activity can expand to fill more space than is actually needed on your calendar.

The very thing that you are running from, might be exactly what you need.

As I’ve explored this topic further, what’s interesting to me is that women often tell me they want freedom, but then ask for structure. Or that they want to lose weight without following a restrictive diet, but then ask me for a meal plan. We are taught that structure is a bad thing, that having a set schedule is too rigid, blocks creativity, and stifles freedom. Many of us need that structure or routine to actually increase our productivity and achieve our desired goals.

Having structure doesn’t necessarily mean that you give up freedom or that you follow a set schedule. Having structure can be whatever you want it to be. You have to decide how you will manage your day. If I gave you a schedule and said follow this, you probably wouldn’t because it wasn’t created by you. Only you can decide how you are willing to spend your time and what you might be willing to sacrifice to live your best life.

I like to work with women to create healthier habits. I specifically help working moms prioritize their self-care by tracking daily habits. These healthy habits can be used to lose weight, reduce stress, increase productivity, and create mental clarity, just to name a few.


In my online group coaching program, which is now open for registration and discounted for a limited time, I provide you with a daily habit tracker to hold you accountable to achieving your self-care goals.

I call this daily routine, your sadhana. Sadhana represents your daily practice or is often referred to as your spiritual practice. Sadhana literally means “a means of accomplishing something.” Even though many definitions label it as a spiritual practice, sadhana can technically be anything. It could be eating certain foods, practicing meditation, doing yoga daily, or journaling. The goal of creating a daily practice or sadhana is to bring you closer to well being. Ask yourself these three questions to develop your sadhana:


What habits do you have now that take you further away from well being?


What new habits can you create to support your well being?


What are you willing to sacrifice to create your sadhana?



If you’re interested in building daily habits that can improve your well-being, register here for my group coaching program and learn how to create your daily sadhana.


Talk soon,

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I'm Dr. Cori, Your  coach + New bff!

I'm a Pharmacist, Life Coach, and Master Certified Health Coach.  I help busy women navigate weight health with confidence.  I teach women how to optimize supplements and GLP-1 therapy as a part of a sustainable, science backed health plan, so they're not just losing weight, but actually transforming their health for the long haul. Whether it's through my Substack, private coaching, or community support, my mission is simple:  cut through the noise, provide expert guidance, and help women take back control of their health. 

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Dr. Cori Cooper is a pharmacist, busy mom, and a Master Certified Health Coach specializing in diabetes and GLP-1 optimization.


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