With Dr. Cori Cooper

Pharmacist, Life Coach, and Master Certified Health and Nutrition Coach

speaking & events

watch this little teaser video below...

I had been extremely successful working in academia and the pharmaceutical industry for many years, but unaware of the sacrifices I was making to do so. In my mind I was handling it all, mom, wife, and building two businesses while working full time. The truth of the matter though was neglected relationships, missed opportunities, struggles with weight, difficult pregnancies, and the constant feeling of overwhelm.

I had my son that i realized the magnitude of my work schedule and the effect that it was having on my health and my priorities.


I now use My personal and professional experience to ignite and encourage working moms to thrive from a place of health first

For over a decade, I have been coaching women in health and I'm bringing that training coupled with my work with some of the leading business coaches across multiple industries to working moms all over the world. 

In my coaching programs, I help women to know that they alone are enough. IT’S NOT ABOUT “DOING” MORE, BUT INSTEAD “BEING” MORE. I remind women that putting themselves first creates the inspiration and passion needed to win in their careers and at home.

"Dr. Cori's inspiring story about rising up, releasing and reclaiming your freedom was so well-delivered.

- Lisa fraley

DR. CORI IS POISED, POWERFUL, and provides permission to release your imperfection. SHE IS A POWERHOUSE LEADER AND SPEAKER.

Every day women in corporate America fall out of integrity with themselves and allow work or their employers to dictate their personal lives. ALMOST WITHOUT EVEN NOTICING, WOMEN IGNORE THEIR BOUNDARIES, SACRIFICE THEIR HEALTH, AND STRUGGLE IN THEIR RELATIONSHIPS for the sometimes self-proclaimed title of “workaholic”; wearing it like a badge of honor.

See the term workaholic, particularly for women, is not always about wanting to leave our families and burn the midnight oil for a paycheck. It’s that we think we have to. Our struggle with constantly working is not necessarily about our employer, it’s about us. It’s us GETTING CAUGHT IN THE CYCLE OF PROVING©.

The Cycle of Proving©

"Tears came to my eyes listening to Dr. Cori's Message."

- Lisa Alentejano Gaetz

She shares a very life changing story but delivered a message all of us could relate to. Her message that we need to remember that we are enough in wherever we are or whatever we choose to do in life is soulful and heart centred.

Why being busy is not productive

How taking more time for yourself makes you a better employee and more productive at work

How to be more fully engaged in your life and how that affects your performance at work

The 3 steps you must take to end The Cycle of Proving©

The elements of the Cycle of Proving© and how they are affecting your health

Here's what I will teach you in The Cycle of Proving©

Why you should stop bragging about how well you "multitask"


Join the Movement and
Release Yourself From the Pressure to Prove!

book dr. cori for a speaking engagement

"From the moment she begins speaking, Dr. Cori captures your attention with her presence."

- Jo Ann Kobuke

Her message about the ever-present need women feel to prove themselves and how it leads to a vicious cycle of exhaustion and disappointment is A MESSAGE THAT EVERY WOMAN SHOULD HEAR.

Bring Dr. Cori to Your Event


Working moms with young kids, Women corporate executives, Women entrepreneurs, Women who work, lead, and serve all with the kids in tow


Women Entrepreneurship, Women Self-Care, Women Empowerment, Corporate Employee Engagement

Dr. Cori's one sheet

recent featured events

The Women’s Womb Healing Summit

Workaholic Uprising: Release Yourself from the Pressure to Prove

Savvy Solopreneur: Secret Habits of Six Figure Coaches and Entrepreneurs You Can Use To Grow Your Business

Coastal Resources and Resiliency Center-Community Health Workers Training

Your Most Radiant Life Ever Summit

Strategies for Real Health: Bridging the Gap Between Knowledge and Inspired Action


- pamela lynch

Excellent speaker who is versatile, being able to shift onto a deeper message.

To Stop Suffocating Under A Pile Of Work And Responsibility?

Join the Movement and Release Yourself From the Pressure to Prove!

book dr. cori for a speaking engagement


"Dr. Cori's has a powerful communication ability to engage and move an audience in an inspiring journey."

- marjorie miller

Dr. Cori’s message challenges women to break the vicious cycle of exhaustion to add more value to their relationships, businesses or careers. I highly recommend Dr. Cori as a keynote speaker as she will deliver an EXCEPTIONALLY VALUABLE PRESENTATION for your group!